Happy New Year Prayer Walkers, We are thankful for what God has done in 2017 and hopeful for what he will do in 2018. One thing we know he will do is to hear our prayers of intercession for our friends, families, churches, and community. He will not only hear, but he will answer in power beyond what we could think. It is worth reminding ourselves that we are in a battle! And that the Lord specifically calls us to persevere. A peek to the end of the "book" shows us a celebration and victory. The purpose of the Lord for San Pedro and our entire South Bay community is revival and breakthrough. We will see many come into the kingdom, that are not there now, because of our prayers. We are the warriors! Let us not be fainthearted, but move from victory to victory. We are pouring concrete into the "footings" of revival in our city. Ask the Lord to strengthen your resolve. Let brothers and sisters in Christ know about this. Let's grow into a small army this year! This Saturday is time for prayer walking again, in our town. We will meet as usual at Friendship Park at 9:30am. You will have many opportunities in 2018. Why not let one of them be a renewed commitment to Jesus, and a deeper and more continuous walk with him? You might consider joining us each month on the first Saturday as part of that. We will continue to lift up San Pedro and ask for a move of the Holy Spirit to bring the light of the gospel and transform people’s lives and the life of the community. Hope to see you Saturday! Blessings in Christ, John Ryan