By Norine Rae—
September 3rd, 2016 was the 12th Annual Music Festival in San Pedro, California. The Lighthouse of San Pedro was bustling with families, enjoying the festivities and I was blessed to participate. Not only did I get to attend and listen to the live music, but I also had the honor to speak into several people’s lives as well as pray for them. It was so much fun! The young and young at heart were skate boarding the pike, enjoying food, music, puppet shows, sing-a-longs, dancers, a white dove release, face painting, prayer, and more. People seemed to be having a great time as they enjoyed their food and gathered at the three stages to listen to their favorite worship groups.
This was a free Christian event at Point Fermin Park sponsored by churches, individuals, and businesses to show their love for their community. Their vision was clearly stated in the program brochure, “We believe that one person can make a difference in the world. And it follows that, if we can make a difference, then we should do what we can to make the world a better place.” It was wonderful to see people enjoying wholesome activities, laughing, and playing. There was a lone man laying on the grass and sketching the historic Lighthouse. Local performers shined as they volunteered their time to bring joy to one and all.

I met Adon who was playing with his bubble machine. His mom was so proud of him and wanted to let me know that his name meant God or Lord. She shared the he was a miracle child as she had him in her forties and even though she struggled with health issues he has been such a huge blessing in her life. I was honored to get to pray for her and I know she was touched too! It is the simple gestures in life that give the greatest pleasure.

I was impressed not only by the talent I saw, but by the heart behind each group. I met many wonderful people strolling through the park.At the end of the event we took a small hike up to the top of the hill across the street to see the Korean Bell that was given to the United State on July 4th 1976 by South Korean to honor of our country support during the war.
San Pedro is a beautiful small city with activities at the port, parks along the coastline, and shops to boot. If you are in the area, don’t miss visiting San Pedro where people are reaching out touching people. While you are visiting I suggest taking the time to also visit the Port of San Pedrofor great seafood, shops, and dinner boat trips. Next year would be a great time to swing by and enjoy the 13th Annual Light at the Lighthouse – Music Festival.
